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19 years old from the UK, I have always loved a good book and a cup of tea, and am often asked to recommend books I have loved, thus created this blog in order to share my thoughts with whoever is interested. Please share recommendations if you wish!

Thursday, 1 October 2015

The Miniaturist- Jessie Burton

A short review this week as being back at university has hit me hard! But I really wanted to mention The Miniaturist. This is a really interesting story- unique and full of brilliant twists. I would describe this book as a mystery and it lived well up to expectations.

The story focuses around Nella who moves to Amsterdam to marry a wealthy merchant. It follows their life and the life of those that live in thier house. Its a gripping story and the characters are brilliantly written. I loved the character of Cornelia who really developed through the story, and thought each character was vital and crafted expertly for the book.

The writing style was easy to follow and hid the twists of the story perfectly- not too much but also not too little. Each 'revelation' was revealed at the perfect time and really elivated and gripped the plot. I have to say my only complaint is I was left a little frustrated as I still had questions at the end of the book and I feel, although tied up well, it wasn't perfect.

I really enjoyed this book and its a lovely read. I would recommend to anyone who wants a gripping, interesting and different novel to read.